Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't be Afraid of the Word 'Work'.

Work is often seen as a series of activities we get paid to do for somebody else. Although in many cases this is true, work really should be thought of as something we do for ourselves, whether or not somebody else is paying us to do it AND it can benefit others.

I see so many websites and TV ads that stress the concept of 'financial freedom' that anybody can learn so they can play golf, travel the world or sit on a beach and just comfortably enjoy the sun. All of this for a modest fee, of course.

If anybody could do it, why are most of us working? Would we not get bored of doing nothing on a beach with a golf club in our hand? If it were so easy to do, more of us would be doing it, but then, who would be working? I don't know about anybody else, but I like to keep active and have made my life's work and passion (and fun) a part of what I do every day, rather than do my time helping somebody else get wealthy.

With excess comfort comes apathy (and weight gain). I think it makes sense to find comfort when one needs comfort, but keep moving and not become too comfortable for too long a time or stagnation and entropy may develop.

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