Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Waking Up from The Dream Job

In my past article from March, 2009 about re-naming the term 'dream job', (read it here), I simply wanted to stress the point that any job, over time, can lose it's mystique and leave you with with a 'been there, done that' item on your life's checklist, once you have been through all the gritty details of the once-coveted position.

By chance, I read an article today entitled  "Is your job turning you into a zombie?" (see link below). In it, one sentence reads: “Sometimes, people realize that the job they were into at 19 is no longer of any interest or meaning to them,” (Marky Stein, Author of Fearless Career Change). It also states: “If you feel that your job is taking away from your creativity, your mental well-being, or you’re physically burnt out, it’s time to step back.” (according to CareerBuilder.com).

It goes on to say that if you decide it's time for a change, take some industry knowledge with you. This is a very timely and relevant article and states some of the things I've always believed in where work is concerned - namely, that a 'dream job' can be a misnomer and that no matter what you do for a living, do it well while you're there, and take some useful knowledge with you.

Should you decide to move on, consider going through my 'Exit Strategy Action List - 9 Steps to a New Career' video (see below):

LINK to noted article - read it here.

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