Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Changing Careers and Networking

I had created a 9 step process for changing careers and I post them individually once in a while (look for "Rule #1: Phase it Out!"). Under "Rule #5: Keep Stoking the Fire" (not posted yet), I explain how important it is to keep the desire of a new career burning and part of that includes telling people you meet what you are doing because you never know who'll you run into.

Everyone knows someone and someone always has a lead. In fact, it has been shown that 50-75% of people find work through networking and up to 90% find career changes through networking** (source below).

Statistics aside, I have found a lot of work through people I had met and, in the past few years, I've had more work offered to me than I could handle, so I've had to turn some of it down - some leads weren't right for me and for others, I simply did not have enough time to pursue them because I was too busy with other things. BUT, I didn't say an outright 'NO'. I referred the work to somebody else because I believe in the power of networking (and karma!), and if I keep in contact with people I refer, they are likely to pass an opportunity back to me in the future.

In that way, I am a 'go to' person in my industry who likes to help share the opportunities. Also, if I get a call for some work that I do, but not in a certain quantity, I give out the name and number of somebody or firm who does do it in the quantity desired.

In the article mentioned above, there is some excellent advice which states that you should talk to people who already have the position you'd like and get to know what's involved in it. I could not agree more. You can also find out how much more education you may need to get that position.

I cover education in Rule #8, which will be posted soon. Happy networking!

BTW, the thinkWORKnotJOB Career Change DVD Kit will be available soon and it comes with a booklet, slide shows and videos (plus many documents) that cover career changes, networking tips, an opportunity checklist and a career-change step-by-step card. It is being finished now. Stay tuned!!

**(source: http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/personal-finance/article/forbes/1255/when-you-need-a-completely-new-career)

- Buck Moore

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