Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts are Things

I had read the statement 'thoughts are things' way back in the mid 1990's and agreed with it because it made sense to me. I had believed it to be true, but not in such clear language; my mind often produced exciting, albeit unfocused, ideas because I felt that I had the potential to do much more than dwell in the rut I had carved for myself after getting pummeled by life for a few years after college.

That 'rut' lasted for ten years, after which I began to put the noted statement to the test because I couldn't take it anymore and my life had changed completely (for the better, I might add, because that's what I thought about all day long).

Fast forward ten more years or so - in retrospect, the aforementioned 'rut' was only a rut because that is what I thought of it at the time. Today, I would not be who I am and chose to be without having experienced the struggles within that time period - and believe me, there was a lot of struggling. I no longer see the rut as a bad thing, I see it as a challenge to overcome and visualizing future positions and opportunities was the one thing that got me to where I chose to be.

The video below is a very inspiring message that pretty much sums up my feelings about the power of positive thinking, visualizing and the core message of The Secret. I am not a cult-follower of anything, except movies, by the way, but I do know the 'thoughts are things' system works.

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