Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Organic OS - A Mood-Boosting Half-Life (for a Better Workplace)

A Mood-Boosting Half-Life
“You can’t change your boss, and you can’t change the culture in your organization,” explains Barbara Glanz, author of 180 Ways to Spread Contagious Enthusiasm. “All you can change are your interactions in your own sphere." That said, a few mere minutes of personable chitchat between colleagues, she says, can leave a mood-boosting half-life that lasts all day.

Above is an excerpt from an article I read at Toronto's Metro News website (, entitled 'Bringing Joy to Your Job' (link below). I think the idea of flashing a few more smiles and avoiding gossip on a regular basis is fantastic and is sorely needed in today's busy, fearful and over-stressed workplace. Starting the day with good news will also make it easier to smile and the effect you will have on others will help create a more positive workplace atmosphere.

I gave myself a challenge a while back to consciously wear a smile all day long, no matter what. Much of my work happens at live events where the constant pressure of producing excellent results is second only to the massive egos I have to deal with on a regular basis. Fortunately, the egos deflate somewhat when they are not challenged by jaded, veteran technicians.

The results of that day were proof positive that donning a pleasant demeanor has a direct effect on everybody around you which inevitably results in a less stressful experience with more efficient productivity; why waste time on criticism and blame when you can focus on excellence and harmony? No matter how you choose to operate, the same amount of time and energy are spent.

The only thing I would challenge from the stated article is the idea that you can't change the boss or the culture or your organization, all you can change are your interactions in your own sphere. But, if you do change the way you interact in your own sphere and encourage others to follow suit, both your boss and workplace culture very likely could change for the better.

Either way, articles such as these are great reminders of the importance of maintaining positive workplace attitudes.

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